Useful Information & Leaflets
Below you will find information & leaflets on a range of AWI related topics. If what you had hoped to find is not there please let me know, I can develop something for those that may also be looking for information on that topic.
Free information and signposting
I’m told by many people that they find real value in the leaflets, information and signposting that follow. They are a free resource, print them off for your own use, give them to clients, or recommend them to colleagues. Should you wish to make a donation to recognise the free access, my nominated charity is the Dementia Trust, of which I am Chair. You can find out more about the Trust, as well as more informative publications by visiting the website.
Please note: all material below is copyrighted material so you are not permitted to reproduce any of it in your own name. If you are unsure if the use you wish to make of any of the material would breach copyright please feel free to ask.
Legal stuff
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 (AWI)
Article - Supporting decision-making
Cross border recognition
AWI principles—how to use these in practice
Capacity - things to think about when determining capacity
Record keeping - what you must note and how best to do it
Article—Respecting rights, will and preferences
Deprivation of liberty
Confidentiality - what you can or cannot share
Codes of practice
Code of Practice for Attorneys (Scotland)
Code of Practice for Guardians (Scotland)
Code of Practice (England & Wales)
Power of Attorney
Endorsing a PoA
Information for potential granters—things to think about before going ahead with your PoA
PoA FAQs for Attorneys - common questions of attorneys
Interpreting a Scottish PoA - what to check / look for
Worried about PoA abuse (Scotland).
Worried about PoA abuse (England and Wales)
PoA - hints and tips for attorneys—to assist with using the PoA effectively
PoA - information for potential attorneys —things to think about before you say Yes
Differences with a fellow attorney - dealing with challenges between attorneys
Power of Attorney: The One-Stop Guide: All you need to know: granting it, using it or relying on it
What authority does an attorney have?
You disagree with instructions of the attorney what can you do?
Template letters
Template letter (England and Wales) for PoA donors to send to family and friends telling them about their PoA
Template letter (Scotland) for PoA granters to send to family and friends telling them about their PoA
Statement of Advance Choice
External publications
Vulnerable Clients’ Guidance - Law Society of Scotland
When they get older newsletter
The Law Society (of England and Wales): capacity publications
Power of Attorney: The One-Stop Guide: All you need to know: granting it, using it or relying on it
Care Homes: The One-Stop Guide: When, Why and How to Choose a Care Home
Dementia: The One-Stop Guide: Practical advice for families, professionals and people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
Carers and Caring: The One-Stop Guide: How to care for older relatives and friends - with tips for managing finances and accessing the right support
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